Final shot closes girls’ varsity lacrosse season

Photo used with permission from @whsglax on Instagram

Varsity lacrosse dresses up in preparation to take on the first game of playoffs against rival school Winston Churchill.

The varsity girls’ lacrosse season ended following the loss against Whitman in the second round of playoffs. The team was knocked out of the run for states after the 17-3 loss.

The first round of playoffs was against Winston Churchill. The team won the friendly game during the normal season after a close run. Once again their hard work showed as the team won again in the first round of playoffs. The score was tight, 14-13. Both teams alternated who was in the lead throughout the game up until the last game-winning goal scored by junior Emerson Noble.

When it came to strategy, the team had one main tactic: Go with the flow of the game and see what happens. Sometimes the girls would be heard yelling for a certain play however they never planned too much in advance. “We had some plays in place but we mainly just did our own thing,” senior Jess Winson said.

Give and go’s were used as well as cutting runs. “We did have a bunch of plays, which were super fun and it was always fun to practice them,” senior Gillian Berman said.

Despite the playoff loss, the girls said they were happy overall with the outcome of their season. “I had a lot of fun this season. I personally would not change a thing,” senior Sofie Vinnick said.

Despite loving the season, that doesn’t mean the team thought they were perfect and had no room for improvement. The practice could be spent with more laughs than drills. “The only thing I would change was that I wish we had more productive practices,” Bellamy said.

The team ended the season with a tea banquet held at Lakewood Country Club. The banquet gave the team time to reminisce on this past season. All three captains spoke as well as the coach. The captains gave out paper plate awards to the rest of the team as they finished the season. For some of these girls, it was the final season for them to play. “I thought the season went well. We improved a lot,” freshman Maya Bellamy said.

Three girls made this year’s second-team all-division: Maya Bellamy, Sofie Vinnick, and Jess Winson. Special honorable mentions went to Waverly Nakashima, Gillian Berman, Emory Scofield and Katelyn Ahn.