Whether to choose coffee or matcha

With matcha becoming popular, you might wonder if it is a healthier choice than coffee. 

Coffee is one of the world’s most commonly consumed beverages because of its availability and easy accessibility. There are coffee shops, but there are also alternative locations as simple as going to a gas station or supermarket. 

In addition to availability, coffee tends to be less expensive than matcha. The majority of coffee, depending on the quality, will be cheaper than matcha. 

However, coffee doesn’t only have upsides, but also some downsides as well. Coffee, having the effects that it has, makes it easy to keep drinking it and become dependent on it. Coffee has caffeine in it, a drug that stimulates the central nervous system. Drinking too much may lead to a person becoming caffeine dependent. “I have a coffee addiction and it wakes me up,” junior Prielle Edery said.

Coffee also has other unwanted side effects. For example, insomnia, jitters, increased heart rate and headaches. There can also be effects when trying to withdraw from drinking too much caffeine, such as anxiety.

Matcha, on the other hand, is a powdered type of Japanese green tea whose popularity has been increasing worldwide in recent years. One reason for this is that it is easy to get the ingredients and make it. The only step is to pour hot water into the matcha powder and mix.

In addition to its efficiency, it also promotes relaxation and health. It keeps your teeth from turning yellow, while also relaxing your mind without causing drowsiness. Matcha does this by increasing the number of alpha waves in a person’s brain. “It’s not as bitter as coffee and it also has a lot of health benefits such as preventing cancer and heart disease,” junior Katelyn Cheng said.

The downsides of matcha, however, can include risk of liver toxicity and contaminants. Consuming high doses of EGCG and other matcha polyphenols may lead to liver damage, and there is risk of consuming leaves contaminated with heavy metals, since matcha is made from pulverized green tea leaves. In addition to these health risks, matcha also tends to be more expensive than coffee.

Both are good for your health, more refreshing, and provide more energy for you.

— Dylan Safai

Both coffee and matcha share some of the same health-promoting effects, as well as other benefits. Both drinks contain minimal calories and may even help someone lose weight. They are also both loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants and may protect heart health. “Both are good for your health, more refreshing, and provide more energy for you,” junior Dylan Safai said.

Coffee and matcha are two popular caffeinated drinks. They both show multiple health benefits, which attract people to each drink. However, they each have their pros and cons, so put that into consideration before choosing one over the other.