Montgomery County Clean and Green club held a tree planting event.
There is not an officer election or fundraiser coming up soon, however, on Oct. 19 those who wished to, could come to the tree planting event.
The purpose of Moco Clean and Green is to be a non-political environmental club for students who want to make a difference on this planet or for those who would like to be involved in environmental activism. Moco Clean and Green holds meetings in this school and they hold their events outside of school. This club works with the Isaac Walton League and Montgomery County Parks. These activities include but are not limited to tree planting, stream cleaning and other eco-friendly activities.
Whether it’s wanting to help the environment and lowering carbon emissions, having an opportunity to gain Student Service Learning (SSL) hours, hanging out with friends, or just wanting to take a break from the stress of school, people are attracted to Moco Clean and Green for different reasons. Senior and Co-President Rachel Binder said that this club is “a great way to destress and hang out with your friends.”
Moco Clean and Green creates opportunities for students who have not yet reached the 75-hour minimum for SSL or for those who have reached the maximum but still wish to help out in the community. Students can earn SSL hours for every event held outside of school. According to the Moco Clean and Green Facebook group, “[They] talked about [an] SSL opportunity on Dec. 15 at Sligo Creek park from 9-11 a.m..”
Teen activism has been on the rise lately, which draws students into clubs that involve just that. Moco Clean and Green is one of the dozens of club at this school that involves activism. This club promotes environmental awareness not by policy and legislation, but by hands-on activism. “It definitely is more hands-on than public policy and activism stuff but it definitely brings awareness to it,” Binder said.
Science teacher Jacob Buxton is in his second year sponsoring Moco Clean and Green. Although he has not yet attended any events outside of school, he has made efforts himself to help the environment by lowering carbon emissions. Buxton does this by driving less and riding his bike to school frequently. He isn’t “a very political person,” but he decided to sponsor Moco Clean and Green because he was interested in the activities that were planned for Moco Clean and Green, and “[He] does feel like environmental causes are the one area where [he has] particularly strong opinions.”
Although large, this club is a new addition to the dozens of clubs at this school. Binder started Moco Clean and Green with her friend at the end of their sophomore years because they were and still are passionate about the environment. It has “about 50 members more like 20 that come to events.”