Senior Max Ramsay has always been drawn to the theatre world. Whether it be the music, the opportunity for self-expression, or the people involved in the shows, Ramsay wanted to be a part of it from the start. Even in the classroom, he gets himself and others engaged. He puts on a show, on and off the stage.
Ramsay was in eighth grade when he participated in his first show, and now he has made himself a prominent figure in the school’s theatre department. While this is the first year he has taken theatre as a course, he has played roles in shows all throughout his high school career. His latest role was as Harold Hill, who is the lead in Music Man. Ramsay was attracted to the animated personality, which Ramsay was able to manifest in his performances. This performance, however, did not come without its struggles.
Music Man, along with the rest of the shows Ramsay has been a part of, required months of rehearsal. The visions the cast and crew hold for their shows only come to fruition if they are all present, and are all willing to work through their faults. The ability to transform into a character is a daunting responsibility, but with each practice, Ramsay aims to get closer to attaining a deep understanding of the mindset and mannerisms destined for each of his characters. “I try to connect further with my audience and to evoke different emotions they may not have been prepared for,” Ramsay said.
When Ramsay was assigned the lead of a Shakespeare play in the fall, he was presented with a new array of challenges. He delved into the importance of emphasis and delivery and he maneuvered his way through the multi-faceted language of the 17th-century English writer.
Theatre has not only allowed Ramsay to develop understanding of various characters, but himself. His admiration for theatre has pushed him to integrate his passions within his schedule. His drive to create and perform, whether it be in the form of songwriting, acting, or a capella, has allowed him to maintain and perfect his skills on stage.
The actor/ singer is looking forward to carrying his passions into the next stage of his life: college. Ramsay hopes to achieve a Bachelor in Fine Arts by majoring in theatre at Towson University. Alongside the artistic portion of his education, he wants to study business.
He has familiarized himself with the heavy, dusty curtains, the late nights spent in the auditorium, and his devoted theatre family. While the life of a theatre kid has proven to be demanding, Ramsay wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kristina Tsakos
Staff Writer