Students return from summer break and prepare for a long 10-month and 180-day school year split into two semesters and four quarters. Every quarter has its unique challenges and obstacles that make the year tougher but the third quarter is by far the worst of the school year for students. Teachers need to realize this and assist students by giving them a lighter workload during this quarter.
A common occurrence among students is the “third quarter slump,” in which students experience a decrease in motivation and an increase in stress, which typically correlates to lower grades. Students are the most burnt out and tired, but have the highest workload during the third quarter. In a highly rigorous school like this one, where students are constantly under stress, this is an even more prevalent occurrence. According to a study done by New York University “There is no doubt that students in highly rated public high schools experience more stress.”
Others might argue that the first quarter is worse because seniors have to worry about their college applications while still maintaining good grades. Another argument could be made for the fourth quarter being worse because students are tired and burnt out from the previous three quarters and this is when students are taking AP exams giving students even more to worry about.
These are both valid arguments, however, the first quarter is not as bad because seniors are the only ones who have to worry about college applications, and with the large majority of the school being non-seniors, this isn’t an issue. The first quarter is also fresh off of a three-month summer break so students come back recharged for the school year. And while it is true AP exams are during the fourth quarter, however since they are toward the beginning of the quarter most of the preparation and studying for the exams are during the third quarter. The fourth quarter also contains a 10-day spring break in the middle of it, giving students a chance to relax, spend time with their families and not worry about school.
That is what makes the third quarter so bad for students. It has the least number of days off, with only two days off in the whole quarter, 12 less than the second quarter. Along with the first quarter, it is the only quarter that doesn’t have a four-day break. The difference is that the first quarter has two extra days off and teachers are meeting their students for the first time so they typically aren’t going to have their students swamped with work for the first couple weeks of the school year. “The third quarter is definitely the worst cause its right after winter break and the start of a semester so you have nothing to look forward to,” sophomore Ej Anderson said
The solution to this problem is clear. Teachers need to support their students’ mental wellness and lighten up the workload, especially during the third quarter.