Students can write and turn in their essays through the computer with a few clicks of a button. Writing is simple when done by typing; mistakes can be deleted, and neatness and formatting are automatic. Essays written on paper take longer and may look messier. So, why do teachers and some students think it’s more beneficial to write by hand on paper?
The shift to computers in education primarily occurred during COVID-19. Lockdowns impacted children’s education and teachers’ ability to instruct students effectively. MCPS adopted computers and Zoom to facilitate interactions and learning between teachers and students. Since COVID-19, the use of computers has remained evident, with assignments being completed on these devices.
With assignments on the computer, academic integrity and plagiarism have become significant problems. All it takes is a copy and paste from a different source, and you can claim it was your idea. Additionally, AI can write your entire essay for you with a simple request: “write an essay.”
Although it can help with grammar and save time, AI may hinder critical thinking and independent learning. By over-relying on AI, students may struggle to develop their own ideas and analyses, which are essential for the future. AI tools can be helpful, though. “I don’t want you to cheat because it doesn’t help you at all. You’re learning how to write, and you need that in almost every profession, moving forward to be able to communicate clearly and concisely. When cheating, you cheat yourself of the opportunity to practice for this moving forward,” English teacher Madeleine Osgood said.
Distractions exist on the computer. You can always click the tab and become off-task, whether it’s a game or another assignment. Writing on paper, however, does not allow your eyes to wander. Your brain stays engaged, and productivity and focus are intact. On the other hand, it can be faster to use a computer. “I can type faster than I can write by hand, which helps me get my ideas down more quickly,” freshman Hasti Sobhani said.
Despite the negatives of AI, digital essay writing still has beneficial attributes. The computer has increased speed and writing efficiency. On the computer, your documents are all together to make doing the work faster. As you write, spell and grammar checks correct those little mistakes automatically.
Typing an essay on the computer restricts the planning process because of speed and automatic corrections. When writing on paper, the brain is more engaged, causing a longer planning process. An article on LinkedIn supports this by indicating that more planning time is needed when writing with pen and paper. “From the movement of writing the letters, you are focusing and forming your thoughts at a slower pace, which is beneficial for retainment as well as owning the information,” freshman honors U.S. history teacher Anne Marie Steppling said.
Writing on paper takes longer than using a computer because everything must be handwritten. According to Osgood, English teachers consider this when planning their assignments. Various factors influence the planning of writing assignments, depending on class time and the assignment’s importance.
The font on a digital document is clear, readable, and consistent unless manually changed. Writing a paper essay always risks making the handwriting unreadable to the teacher. Conversely, handwriting engages your brain through the fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems, thereby utilizing more brain power than typing. “I encourage kids to write on paper because it activates different parts of your brain,” Steppling said.
At the end of the day, writing essays in class depends on the teachers’ preference. If you are ever given the chance to choose how to write an essay, it comes down to personal preference (minus the cheating).