When should a long-awaited school year start, as early as late August or as late as after Labor Day?
The first day of school is a challenging decision. School districts utilize community input, educational goals and logistical considerations.
Most schools must have a 180-day school year chosen by the state. People who expect the first day of school to start after Labor Day believe they would have more time for summer and longer to prepare for school. Not starting after Labor Day could also have some effects on the economy. Taking away an entire week of summer could disrupt tourism at the beaches when they rely on tourists for money. Also, schools could save money by keeping schools closed and not paying for air conditioning during some of the year’s hottest days. Despite economic reasons, and a longer summer, the first day of school should begin before Labor Day. Standardized testing, certain breaks and flexibility issues came into play.
Due to multiple breaks in the following months, starting school in September would not be beneficial because students spend less time in the classroom and become unprepared for certain big tests like standardized testing. According to WYPS news, ‘Montgomery County has Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They have Catholic, Protestant holidays like Christmas or Easter. They’ve been considering adding a Muslim holiday (Eid) because they have a growing population.’ More holidays create less time in the classroom. Starting the year off early would benefit more learning time even with the breaks.
A school year is required to have 180 days by the state. There are breaks from holidays throughout the year, not including inclement weather and any other unplanned reason to cancel school. With the first day of school starting in August, there is more flexibility throughout the school year to end on time and still have breaks. According to the superintendent of Golden Feather Union Elementary School District, Josh Peete, “The flexibility in scheduling, including the possibility of breaks in February or October, offers a balanced approach to the school year,”
For most schools nationwide, the main block for annual state testing is in May. Starting school in August gives students more time to prepare and feel confident in testing.
The semester ends before the December break when starting school in August. Not only do students have more preparation for academics in that time, projects and activities can be completed. According to CNN, “Beginning in August allows students to complete the first semester before the December holiday break, rather than taking tests and turning in big projects after two weeks off.” Teachers would also be able to start new lessons after that break instead of reviewing the material in January.
Graduating students and staff members would greatly benefit from having as much of the month in June as possible. According to CNN, “Many graduating students and staff members take summer courses at colleges and universities. Ending school around Memorial Day creates fewer conflicts for them.”
A non-educational answer is simply for more time in the summer months. Having the first day of school start earlier creates more time during June, July and even August before the next school year starts. According to an anonymous source on Quora, families prefer the start of school date to start in August for extended summer break and more time for family vacations.
Ultimately, having the first day of a long school year start in August, creates more of an adjustable year full of well-prepared students.