“Moana 2” is a sequel to the Disney movie “Moana,” about a girl who dreams of leaving her island and exploring the ocean. In the original movie, Moana sets out on the ocean to return the heart of Te-Fiti and protect her island from dying.
“Moana 2” is a cute and fun movie for all ages. The Disney princess searches for the sunken island of Motu Fetu, which is seen as the missing link to the neighboring islands and its people. Coincidentally, Maui is on the same mission for himself. Moana sets out to connect the people of her island with the other islands of the ocean, this time with a crew, and finds Maui along the way.
The movie is well-written, but viewers say that the songs ere not as good as the original. The songs are now missing Lin-Manuel Miranda’s writing and do not give the same quality as the original. “I liked the movie and I think it was a great children’s movie but the music was not as good as the original so it was very disappointing. I liked the original movie better and I think this movie was very rushed when they could have done so much better with it. I loved her little sister though and how they really showed their sisterly bond,” sophomore Jolie Ginsburg said.
“Moana” is a great movie all by itself and even though “Moana 2” is also great, it seems like they rushed the movie.. “I went with my friends and I liked it but it felt as if it was a completely different movie from the first one and not a sequel. The concept could have been a lot better if it didn’t feel so rushed. I was upset to hear Lin-Manuel Miranda did not write the songs and it shows in the movie,” sophomore Nicole Dirk said.
Moana has a crew this time around and it ruins the idea that she is someone who does not need help from others. “In the last movie, they emphasized Moana being an independent person, but I did not feel as much of that in this movie. I did love how Moana had a little sister and their bond made me cry because it shows a lot more character development and how much she loves her family and island,” Dirk said.
The visuals of “Moana 2” are great and, as a kids movie, it is entertaining. However, it did not feel like a true sequel and left off as a whole new movie. “The movie felt great for younger audiences and families. The visual was fun and very well done but missing good songs. I would definitely recommend this movie to younger kids but I don’t think it’s going to be a huge movie for the older audience,” sophomore Lily Zaiderman said.