There are over 170 clubs to choose from at this school. With all the options that students can pick from, there is a club for everyone and vary from a quiet place to hangout, to tailgating before football games.
The BBQ club is one of the most popular clubs at this school and is known for grilling hamburgers and hotdogs before home football games. Club members and the student section come together in the parking lot outside of the stadium in support of the football team. These tailgates include students applying face paint to follow the theme of the game, meeting up with friends, and eating food provided by the club. At the end of the year, four new grillmasters from the rising senior class are selected to carry on the tradition. “To prepare we usually decide a theme first, then estimate the number of individuals attending and buy the proper amount of food and supplies like paint and glitter,” senior grillmaster Matthew Deleon said.
It takes time and dedication to run each club. Deleon said, “It takes one to two days to prepare because of the prep needed with the grills and food but also needing to post on social media.”
Another club that this school offers is the Black Student Union. “The main goal of BSU is to make sure ourBblack students have a space to feel comfortable and build a community that people think about beyond highschool,” club leader Teemo Taiwo said. “Usually we have a leadership meeting with everyone who helps out, we meet every week. A different person will take lead each time and it’s where we brainstorm our ideas and make flyers.”
The Breakfast Club started as a place to socialize and if you didn’t have anywhere to go for lunch, but has now grown into a huge success and has plans this winter to make cards for Miriam’s Kitchen, a food bank for Washington, D.C.. “We are trying to organize a food bank to donate canned goods,” senior Anna Lizondo said.
For this club, it is important to make sure that supplies are ready ta few days prior, and coordinate with the teacher sponsoring. “A few days before the club meets, I talk to my sponsor and we usually make it a Tuesday or Thursday every other week. We will usually go to Trader Joe’s and pick up the pancake batter and we pre-make it at one of the club leaders’ houses and put it in a container. For Thanksgiving, we made hand turkeys and for Halloween we got edible decorations like sprinkles and brought them to school the next day,” said Lizondo said.
Junior Zoi Bourazani is one of the leaders of the Multicultural Club. The goal of the club is to teach students about different cultures. “To prepare, we have to make a slideshow and bring snacks for the club to try from around the world,” Bourazani said.
When joining a club, Deleon’s advice is to “Cherish each event because they go by fast, and have as much fun as you can.”