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Common Sense

The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

Wellness day benefits students

Photo by Shayna Fleischer
Students were given a wellness day on May 10 after a week’s worth of AP and MISA testing. This wellness day allowed students to come to school late and catch up on their school work or take a day to themselves to reset and recover before the next week of testing.

Students were given a wellness day on May 10 after a week’s worth of AP and MISA testing. This wellness day was essentially a free day for students to catch up on their school work or take a day to themselves to reset and recover before the next week of testing.

Wellness days were introduced in hopes of giving students and teachers a chance to relieve stress and give students an opportunity to have fun, relax and get all of that school work off of their minds for the day. Students were allowed to hang out outside, watch a movie in the auditorium or study in the Media Center.

This day was helpful to people who took an AP exam or needed to take their minds off of school. “I had an AP government test on Monday and then had a MISA biology test on Tuesday and Wednesday so I didn’t get a break. Having a day off on Friday allowed me to get a break and calm down before the next week of school,” freshman Neeki Naderi said.

Stress was high for students that week and every student had a varying amount of tests to study for and take. “I took my AP Government test on Monday and I was preparing myself for at least a week. After that, I had to take a MISA, which was two days long. That Friday helped me out since I also have a test next week on Wednesday for AP Computer Science and the only time I could study was over the weekend,” freshman Dylan Neustadt said.

The majority of students decided not to come to school and sleep in instead. “I haven’t been sleeping much so I decided to stay home for a little and rest while catching up on some work I had to do. It was nice not having to worry about school that weekend,” Naderi said.

Teachers agree that wellness day was a good idea for students. “I think the wellness day was well needed for students because school can be very stressful especially with a bunch of testing last week. When I was a student we did not have wellness days and everyone was sad all the time. So it was a great benefit to students,” history teacher Sophia Ehrlich said.

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