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The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

Woottball rushes excitement through fans, players

Photo by Casen Linn
The first game of the Woottball tournament on May 20 was between the freshman and the sophomores. The sophomore team ended victorious with a final score 21-7.

Formerly known as Powderpuff football, Woottball was hosted by the Student Government Association (SGA) on May 20, from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.. The BBQ Club grilled hosted a tailgate prior to and during the event, providing food and drinks to all in attendance.

The purpose of the event was to gather the student body and raise spirits after the AP testing week, as well as provide a fun environment for fans and players to be able to converse and come together through the sport of flag football.

Game one was an intense matchup between the underclassmen. The sophomores, led by sophomore Addison Purvis’s defense, were victorious over the freshman, 21-7. Freshman Adriana Colomo led the freshman in touchdowns with a total of one. Early in the game, the freshman posed a major threat but after three consecutive interceptions by Purvis, one of them resulting in a touchdown for the sophomores, the freshmen saw no hope. With 10 minutes left, Colomo scored the lone touchdown for the freshman but by that point in the game, it was just too late. “I was excited to score but it wasn’t worth much because we lost in the end,” Colomo said.

Although quarterback Colomo was a big player for the freshman team, freshman Alex Rabin, who played wide receiver, was the biggest part of their offense. Rabin recorded one catch for 17 yards and four rushes for 30 yards in total.

For the entirety of the freshman versus sophomore game, there was a lot of excitement. Sophomore Isabella Caban led the scoring with two running touchdowns for the sophomore team. “I heard my name called for the plan and thought to myself, just run,” Caban said.

Game two was an intense matchup between the juniors and seniors. Both teams had stifling defense but struggled to get their offense going. At the 40-minute mark, the game remained scoreless, initiating overtime rules. The rules allowed for each team to have one play to score, resulting in a sudden-death playstyle. During overtime, senior Danielle Ram scored the game’s only touchdown, leading the seniors to a 7-0 victory.

The third and final game was played between the senior and sophomore teams. The game was at a stalemate until Caban broke through the defense with a rushing touchdown with 20 minutes and 44 seconds left in the game. In the final four minutes, senior Maria Sofronas scored off of a pass to tie up the game at seven. On the next offensive drive for the sophomores, sophomore Megan Lomotan took a handoff and ran the ball, juking out senior defenders along the way and scoring a game-winning touchdown.

The event concluded, resulting in a dominant performance from the sophomores. They were coached by sophomores Josh Reid, Bryan Ngouzon, Farai Fraser and Carlos Perez, who can take partial credit for their team’s success as the real credit is due to the sophomore girls themselves.

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About the Contributor
Casen Linn, staff writer
Freshman Casen Linn is a staff writer who enjoys all sports in his free time.
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