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The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

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The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

Culinary Quest: banana-apple bread

Photo by Heerah Jayakumar
Banana-apple bread is an easy loaf to prepare for busy mornings.

On weekdays, when I’m rushing to get ready for school, the last thing I want to worry about is making breakfast. With all the hassle of daily life, it can be hard to find the time to take care of ourselves and make sure we’re eating proper meals. Instead of having to deal with the pressure of making breakfast every morning, I prepare a loaf of moist banana-apple bread the night before. This lasts me about a week and takes less than 30 minutes to prepare. This recipe packs great flavor while also having nutritional value, making it the perfect breakfast indulgence or after-school snack.

To start preparing the batter, I mash two ripe bananas and mix that in with about half a cup of applesauce or about one small apple, freshly pureed. Ensure that the two are thoroughly mixed with few chunks to get the best bake possible. Then, add two whisked large eggs and half a cup of milk. After mixing this, add half a cup of melted unsalted butter or olive oil. While olive oil offers a healthier option, butter guarantees that the recipe will be moist for days and that it will taste the same for multiple mornings.

Then, add one cup of white or brown sugar, which can also be substituted for honey or any other sweet flavoring of choice. While this may seem like quite a bit of sugar, it distributes well in the recipe and results in a well-balanced bake.

Next, add one teaspoon of baking powder and one teaspoon of baking soda, mixing thoroughly again to make sure there are no lumps that cause trouble when baking. Once that has been mixed, add one and a half teaspoons of vanilla extract, one teaspoon of cinnamon and one-fourth teaspoon of salt into the mixture. Follow up with two cups of all-purpose flour, and bake for 50 minutes at 355 degrees.

After cooling for about 20 minutes, the bread is ready to serve. While it tastes great on its own, this banana-apple bread tastes even better with toppings like nuts, strawberries or whipped butter. This can be stored in the fridge for up to a week with the same cozy taste every time. This recipe is also versatile, as you can swap the ingredients for seasonal additives, like pumpkin puree or chocolate in the fall.

Being a family favorite and easy to prepare, this recipe has it all. On top of being a treat to eat, it sets itself apart from the typical banana bread without straying away from the cozy flavors that come in any good pastry. Instead of focusing too much on what I’m eating, I’m able to spend more time focusing on what’s most immediate instead of what I’m eating next. When I’m running late or can’t decide what looks good for breakfast, I’ve been saved countless times by this reliable banana-apple bread that’s always ready when disaster strikes.

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Heerah Jayakumar, features editor
Junior Heerah Jayakumar is a features editor in her second year at on the Common Sense Staff. In her free time, she enjoys running, painting and cooking. You can find her on IG @heerahjayakumar
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