It’s 4:30 a.m. and a student wakes up and gets ready to go to the gym. He is already working out and playing basketball at Onelife gym before school starts. The student exercises until 6:30 a.m. and then goes home to shower and get ready for their school day. He then has breakfast and heads to school for a full day of classes.
Once school is over, it’s time for basketball practice. The student has school varsity basketball practice from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. He hangs out at the school for 30 minutes until his practice starts. After practice he goes home to eat dinner and then he studies and does any homework he has. Mitchell is in honors pre-calc and honors chemistry and spends an hour on homework every night. At 7 p.m., he plays more basketball by himself to practice his skills, and then finally goes inside to chill out after a long basketball-filled day at 9 p.m..
This student is sophomore Chase Mitchell.
Mitchell is on varsity basketball and dedicates many hours in his daily schedule to his love for basketball. In addition to playing for school, Mitchell has also played in a club league during the summer. Senior Jaiden Aze is on the team with Mitchell. “He has played a big role even though it’s his first year on varsity,” Aze said.
Boys’ basketball had a record of 18-6 this year and made it to the state quarterfinals in the playoffs. Mitchell enjoyed his season. “It was really exciting to make it far and play in the playoffs,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell plans on going to college and dreams of playing basketball in college. Mitchell is the only sophomore on the varsity team and plays point guard. “He has been a very valuable player to the team this season,” varsity basketball coach Erick Graves said.
In his free time, Mitchell likes to hang out with his friends. He also likes hanging out with his family, including his little sister who is nine years old. He likes going to the gym and of course, playing basketball, “We both go play basketball at the gym when we don’t have practice,” junior Khairi Hyde said.
Mitchell also loves listening to music in his free time. His favorite type of music is rap. He enjoys listening to music when he can during the school day. “I always have my headphones in as much as I can during school, especially on a game day,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell has been playing basketball since he was four years old, and he fell in love with the sport. Ever since then, he has been spending a lot of his time getting better at basketball. “I grew up with him and know how much he loves basketball so it’s great to watch him play well on varsity,” sophomore Blake Graham said.