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The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

The Student News Site of Thomas S. Wootton High School

Common Sense

Girls Volleyball: Tough loss to Northwest leaves Patriots hopeful for long playoff run


All good things must come to an end eventually.  The girls’ volleyball team suffered its first loss of the season, falling to the two-time state champion Northwest Jaguars on Oct. 26, right before the playoffs.  They were upset about the loss, but they are looking to the playoffs, confident they go on a run.

The team lost all three sets in the game, but they kept it relatively close in all the series.  The first set was the worst one.  They dropped it 25-13.  While the other sets were much closer, they lost both of them by a score of 25-20.  Although a close loss is a painful one, the team saw this game as a lesson and it leaves them confident as ever for the upcoming playoffs.  “It was upsetting, but we learned a lot from that game.  Although we didn’t play our best, we were able to maintain a close game.  I’m confident that we will win the first round of playoffs and meet Northwest again and win,” senior Chanel Lucas said.

After the loss, the team has been more motivated in practice to make sure they succeed late in the season.  Their first game of the playoffs is against Quince Orchard and the team has been pushing it to the limit to make sure to that they are ready for the game.  “We have all been working incredibly hard in practice to get physically and mentally ready for the playoffs,” senior Ava Azizi said.

At this point of the season, the entire team know that if they lose another game, their season is over and they have to say goodbye to all of the seniors on the team. In the seniors point of view, they feel a mix of emotions knowing that one of these games in the future could be their last of their high school career.  Even though they will be leaving soon, the seniors are excited for rising talent on the team.  “As a senior I’m sad that the season is coming to an end but I know that the team will be in good hands once the seniors leave,” senior Eleni Panagopoulos said.

The season has been a success for the team so far.  They are in the semi-finals and they feel like they have worked their hardest to achieve their goals.  But the team has more in its sights.  This year they hope to compete for the state championship, hoping to take down Northwest and become champs.  Their next game was a playoff game against QO on Nov. 6, too late to be covered in this issue, where the team hopes to keep its season alive.


Drew Shrager

Staff Writer

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