Boys’ JV lacrosse starts off season undefeated

Photo by Wayne Viener

The JV boys’ lacrosse team celebrates their first win over Clarksburg.

After losing 12 of their players last year, the JV boys’ lacrosse team looks brand new with some returning players, including coach Benjamin Lee, who has been coaching JV boys’ lacrosse for 10 years here.
Before the first game of the season vs Clarksburg, the boys had three scrimmages to build team chemistry and get in-game experience.

The three scrimmages the boys played were against Einstein, Springbrook, and Rockvillle. For most of these players, Einstein was the first real game they have played but that did not scare them. Going into the game it was a slow start for the boys and at the end of the quarter they were up 2-1 but they pulled out the victory 6-4. The next game was against Springbrook and now that the team had experience, it showed as they won 10-2 in a dominant victory. For the last scrimmage, the boys went to play Rockville and had a competitive game, ending in a 12-10 win. The close game was beneficial, showing them how to calm down and close out a game. ¨I think those three games really showed how good we can be for the rest of the season. A lot of are players have never played and they showed so much improvement throughout those game,” sophomore Gavin Grange said.

The first regular game of the season was against Clarksburg on Mar. 21 .Going into this game the boys knew this would not be the most challenging game however, if they did not play well, they could easily lose. The game was played at Clarksburg, which was a huge disadvantage for the boys because the field was in terrible shape, with tall grass and lots of dirt patches. This affected the boys in the first half as they were unable to get ground balls and maintain possession and by the end of the first quarter they were only up 2-0. As the game went on Wootton got into a rhythm and scored five straight goals, putting them up 7-0. When the final whistle blew they won 9-2 over the Coyotes. “That first win was great for the team because it showed what we can do. I think the game would have been more dominant if Clarksburg’s field was not as bad as it was, but we managed to get past that problem and pull out the win,¨ sophomore Zach King said.
On Mar. 24 the boys traveled to Whitman, playing their first difficult team. In the first quarter it was clear that these teams were evenly matched as at the end of the half the game was tied 3-3. In the second half the game was not as high scoring: going into the last quarter it was 4-3 Wootton and the team knew they had to play mostly defense to maintain their lead and pull out their win.
When the game ended the boys pulled off a difficult 5-4 victory. ¨That was one of the most fun games I have ever played, I am so happy we got the win,¨ sophomore Argil Bilegsaikhan said.
The teams next game will be on Mar.28 against Walter Johnson.