For us juniors, most of the hard part is over. SAT and ACT scores are generally where we want them, and much of the stress of junior year has been lifted off our shoulders. The era of living in the shadow of the previous seniors is over as juniors have taken command.
With the passing of graduation, the juniors are now the oldest students at school, and with this comes a fair number of privileges. The coveted parking spots in the school lot that have taunted us for years are now in our grasp. Schedules of more relaxing and enjoyable classes are bound to come as we have already fought and battled our way through the tough and mandatory ones. The school is ours and we are the oldest and most experienced students, fighting to get through just one more year until graduation comes. “I’m just really excited to be in my last year of high school. College is going to be a new adventure and now I’m just one year closer,” junior Mitch Schuster said.
With temporary parking permits already distributed, the school parking lot will now be filled exclusively with the cars of juniors. After years of slumping out of bed 20 minutes earlier than the seniors in hopes of catching the bus, the parking lot now belongs to the juniors. No more are the days of hopelessly running after a bus that appears to ignore you. No more are the days of begging the seniors to drive you to school in a measly attempt to be with the beloved seniors and avoid having to ride in silent car rides with your parents or on the disgusting bus. Juniors are now afforded the privilege to drive to school for the rest of this year with heads held high with pride. “I’ve had to ride the bus to school every year and it’s nice to finally have the chance to drive myself,” junior Jonah Dross said.
Junior year has taken a toll on the entire class as stress and exhaustion have left students struggling to complete the year. But these days are behind us now as only new challenges and adventures await us. Yes, senior year comes with the burden of college applications paired with a possibility for another rigorous schedule, but this year is a final push toward a new age of college and opportunity to achieve greatness beyond the walls of this school. Juniors have emerged through this burdensome and overwhelming year with nothing but more confidence and hope for what next year has to offer.
Senior year shall act as a revitalization for the previously wounded junior class. The infamous and daunting junior year is soon to be the problem of the sophomore class. The hours of standardized test practice are over and will soon be repressed from our memories as senior year will grant us freedom from this mental prison. One more year exists for the juniors to make high school experiences worth remembering. “Senior year is bound to be amazing. It will be much more relaxed and I feel like I need a break from all the schoolwork,” junior Justin Slud said.
Matthew Lind
Back Page Editor