Patriot Ambassadors host events benefitting school

The Patriot Ambassadors gather before new student orientation on Aug. 26.

Photo courtesy Ethan Fayne

The Patriot Ambassadors gather before new student orientation on Aug. 26.

Patriot Ambassadors help the school community, especially new students, through hosting a number of events such as the Trunk or Treat on Oct. 9.

Patriot Ambassadors help with school-related activities. With a school of over 2,000 students, the administration needs students to get involved and help organize various events.  “We help school events to be orderly and have an impact,” junior Mason Berk said.

Through helping with the school’s activities, the Patriot Ambassadors feel good about their impact on the school. In events such as freshman orientation, Ambassadors feel they have a large impact on the future students. Co-head of the new student orientation committee Mandy Schoen said, “We definitely [have an impact] because it is the freshmen’s first impression of the school.”

Through the various events the Ambassadors provide information to the school’s families and future students. In freshman orientation, new students were able to take a tour around the school and meet their teachers with the help of the Ambassadors. “These events have helped future students learn about Wootton,” junior Jake Konigsberg said.

Patriot Ambassadors is a competitive club throughout the school with hundreds of people applying each year. “It is a very competitive club as many people are eager to join and help the school. The club is looking for new members who can actively help others and are good [with people],” Berk said.

Students want to join the club for different reasons. Students who join must be passionate about helping the community and willing to put in the work in their free time. “They should definitely join if they are passionate about helping. If so, this is the club for them,” Berk said.

Patriot Ambassadors have regular members but also have leadership roles that people can run for. All of the Patriot Ambassadors members vote on who they think is best for the positions. “I am co-head of the new student orientation committee and a member of the executive board,” Schoen said.

Through these various roles that people get elected for there are a number of responsibilities. With these roles members are required to do more work for the club, especially in their specific subject of assignment. “I have to organize and plan Patriot Ambassadors’ involvement in new student orientation at the start of the year,” Schoen said.

One of the events Patriot Ambassadors attended and helped out at was the Trunk or Treat in the upper parking lot. This event provided a place where future students and their families had an opportunity to experience what the school has to offer. They also were able to experience the school’s clubs, teams and other amenities. This event also had food trucks, performances from the band team and games.