Spanish teacher Tamara Hounshell faces first year teaching in-person

Photo by Sasha Sampaio

Spanish teacher Tamara Hounshell helps a student to review an assignment in her classroom.

Spanish teacher Tamara Hounshell is starting off her first year of teaching Spanish 1 and honors Spanish 4 to all grade levels in-person in room 141 after a long year teaching virtually. 

Hounshell said she had a difficult time adjusting to virtual learning, among other teachers. ¨There were some good points and I learned a lot about educational technology, but I was also able to learn from the students,¨ Hounshell said.

Houshell said she enjoys being back at school and teaching students in-person and in a classroom. ¨This year has been stressful and it’s my first year teaching at a public school but it’s nice because students are engaged for the most part,¨ Hounshell said. 

There is a big difference between teaching and learning online versus in-person for both students and teachers. ¨In-person it’s more personal and if there is a problem I can read students expressions instead of relying on Zoom chats or family,¨ Hounshell said.

Houshell is still adapting to the change of virtual to in-person learning. Hounshell said adapting to the change has been ¨overwhelming because we have class everyday and all in a row but now I am getting used to it.¨

Houshell does miss some aspects of virtual learning and being at home. ¨Being back in-person, now I am not able to take naps and we don’t have wellness on Wednesdays. Classroom management is also very different,¨ Hounshell said. 

Houshell is not looking forward to the possibility of having a hybrid schedule. ¨I don’t dislike the hybrid, but I don’t like the idea of both online and in-person,¨ Hounshell said.

Houshell is also a part of several activities in school. ¨I am a sponsor for the class of 2024 and I am a sponsor for a couple clubs like Wootton activists and young investors society,¨ Hounshell said.

Sophomore Rita Liu currently has Hounshell as her Spanish 1 teacher. ¨I truly enjoy her class because she makes it fun since she used to teach elementary school,¨ Liu said.

Lui prefers learning in-person instead of virtually. Lui said, ¨It is easier to communicate and understand the teacher and their lessons.¨

Junior Parker Leibowitz had Hounshell last year virtually through Zoom. She taught him Spanish 4 during first period. ¨I liked having her as my teacher because she was very nice and understanding and easy to ask questions to,¨ Leibowitz said.

Leibowitz had to adapt to the shift of virtual learning. ¨I think online school was very difficult for teachers since it was such a big transition,¨ Leibowitz said.

Leibowitz prefers in-person learning because he is able to stay more concentrated in the school environment. ¨I am able to pay better attention and not get distracted like I would when I was learning virtually,¨ Leibowitz said.

Hounshell also prefers in-person learning because she is able to make better connections with the students. In-person, she is able to see faces and get to know the student better, which is good for college recommendations as well. Hounshell said she believes students ¨like in-person better and seem more social verse unsociable.¨